Merchant Cash Advances in the Improving Economy

You’ve probably heard people talking, as well as on the news that the US economy is getting better each day. Although, the economy is not back to where it once was, it certainly is on the rise. Consumers are starting to come out of … [Read more]

Why Full Disclosure is Important when Applying for a Merchant Cash Advance

At Fast Merchant Advance we enjoy helping merchants obtain working capital to help their businesses grow, and thrive. We have a very simple underwriting process that we must complete before we are able to offer that working capital. Generally, our … [Read more]

Merchant Cash Advances, the Best Cure for Tax Return Blues

Most of us eagerly await Spring, when the warm weather finally comes back to refresh us from the cold of winter. However, while we are all dusting off the patio furniture, and stocking up on charcoal to light those barbecues, Uncle Sam is getting … [Read more]

The Best Alternative to Bank Loans: Merchant Funding

It always seems as if banks never want to loan to small or medium sized businesses and are constantly cutting back on the amount of money that they do choose to loan every year. For a small business, trying to get approved to take out a large loan … [Read more]

Failed your Short-term Obligations? Working Capital Programs to the Rescue

Working Capital is needed for any business to be able to grow and further expand. In challenging economic conditions it can be difficult for small and medium sized businesses to find enough working capital to be able to buy inventory or pay off … [Read more]

Why Fast Merchant Advance Companies are Superior in Customer Service

Small and medium sized businesses always struggle with the decision: should I take out a small business loan through the bank or deal with a fast merchant advance service instead? Though if approved by the bank, both services will ultimately get you … [Read more]

Why now is the Perfect Time to take a Merchant Cash Advance

With the economic turndown in recent years the merchant cash advance industry has slowed way down, and people all over the globe are wondering when it is going to expand again. Popular thought right now is that business owners do not want to borrow … [Read more]

Fast Merchant Advance Referral Program

We have many merchants that are members of large associations, chambers of commerce, and other business related networking groups. These merchants possess the power to further increase their revenue stream by simply offering our services to their … [Read more]

Why Choose Fast Merchant Advance?

There are several merchant funding companies out there. With information available within seconds, and at your fingertips you can easily find a merchant cash advance provider today. Merchant Cash Advance companies may all appear to be quite similar, … [Read more]

How to Refinance a Merchant Cash Advance from One Company to Another

In some cases, the merchants that come to us for funding are not first timers. They actually have a current merchant cash advance with another company, and are looking to switch. Why would a merchant switch companies? It could be anything from the … [Read more]

5 Top Reasons to get a Merchant Cash Advance

There are many reasons to get a merchant cash advance. Because our merchant cash advances are so flexible, you can use it for a multitude of reasons. Let’s explore some of the reasons here. … [Read more]

Valentine’s Day Merchant Cash Advance Funding

The holiday season is officially over, and folks are tightening their wallets in the month of January to pay for December's spending spree. However, there is a very special day in February that seems to open the wallets once again, and that means … [Read more]

What is a Merchant Cash Advance Renewal?

In the Merchant Cash Advance business you may often hear the term, Renewal. What is a Renewal? Basically it's an open invitation to get more working capital for your business once you have completed paying back a certain percentage of your current … [Read more]

What are the Top 4 Most Important Factors in getting Approved for a Merchant Cash Advance?

We are often asked what are the top factors in getting approved for a merchant cash advance. Most merchants think that because our repayment schedule is not stringent or aggressive, that our requirements are high. This is not the case. Merchant cash … [Read more]

Merchant Cash Advances – How much does my business qualify for?

This is probably the most asked question that we hear. Simply put, how much money can I get? There are 2 facets to the answer. First, because this is a MERCHANT cash advance, we primarily review your merchant account statements, and the volume … [Read more]

Merchant Cash Advance – Can the daily percentage be changed after my account has been funded?

In certain cases, after we have underwritten, approved, and funded an account we are asked by the merchant to change the terms of the merchant cash advance. More specifically, they ask if the percentage taken daily can be lowered. Generally, the … [Read more]

Will Bad Credit Affect my Business Cash Advance Request?

Credit in America today is the most misunderstood system of ratings. After all, it’s possible to pay all of your bills on time, and to meet financial obligations, but yet still have bad credit. Bad credit can result from many inquiries to your credit … [Read more]

What kind of discount do I get if I pay off my Merchant Advance early?

A merchant will often ask us what kind of advantages and discounts they receive for paying the advance back early. The truth is, there are none. Allow us to explain why. This type of funding is not a traditional loan or a credit card specifically … [Read more]

What can a Merchant Cash Advance be used for?

Often, an interested merchant will come to us and ask us what we allow a merchant cash advance to be used for. Well, out of all the questions that we are asked on a daily basis, this is the easiest one to answer. You can use a merchant cash advance … [Read more]